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  • Writer's pictureAshlie Bradley

The Digital Dilemma: The unfortunate loss of replacing print with digital images.

It's well known that we are currently living in a digital world. Your mail is probably paperless, all of your movies and shows are being streamed to your tv and devices and your pictures are probably all stored on your phone. This all seems like the most practical and ideal thing for your life, right? Well, there is a big problem with that, and that is technology fails. 

Your devices can crash, and files can get lost. I don't know about you, but I could get by without TV and emails getting lost, but I would be absolutely devastated if I lost all of the pictures of my children and family. The unfortunate thing is it has happened to me. Six years ago, I suffered the awful fate of my phone crashing, I lost it all! And on that phone were pictures and videos of my children's first years of life, my daughter's newborn portraits and my maternity portraits from when I was pregnant with my son. I was absolutely heartbroken, and I didn't print one thing! I kept saying “I need to print them” but never did, sound familiar? 

I never want my clients to ever suffer what I went through. Because of this I always give my images in three different ways: Heirloom quality prints, the digital copy on a USB and a social media sized copy for your device. This way your images are backed up three different ways guaranteeing you’ll never lose them. And let's be real for a second, nothing compares to seeing your images printed and having the luxury of displaying them in your home to see every day.  I always provide the best printed products so that they do last forever, and I even alter them in PhotoShop if I need to based upon the print ratio purchased. And no not all ratios are the same, ever try to print an 8’x10” yourself and find that part of a head was cut off? 

You can print your digital images yourself (if you remember to do so) but print labs available to the public don't even come close to the longevity and quality of a professional print lab. Don't you want the best quality for your newborn or maternity portraits? Why would you invest so much time and resources into a professional photoshoot just to leave those important moments to collect digital dust? Really think about it. The thing is digital is not 100% reliable and when you're investing in having a very special moment in your life captured you don’t want to leave it up to digital only. 

Want more information on my maternity or newborn portrait experience?

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